The NBA Playoffs is a showcase for the best teams. It is disappointing that teams with losing records are allowed in the playoffs because they are in a poor conference. Worse yet teams with winning records are excluded, which is a travesty to the team, their season, their fans, and paints the NBA as a joke that competitive standards do not exist for the playoffs. The teams with losing records making the playoffs are getting an undeserved golden ticket.
In 2014 Indiana 0.683 defeated Atlanta losing percentage 0.463 (4-3.) The winning team excluded from the playoffs seeded 9 Phoenix Suns winning percentage 0.585.
In 2013 Miami 0.805 defeated Milwaukee losing percentage 0.463 (4-0.) The winning team excluded from the playoffs seeded 9 Utah Jazz winning percentage 0.524.
How it would work? Winning Record Teams WCT would be seeded in their proper position by record in the opposing conference. So long as the WCT plays they will never have home court advantage.